Increased User Attentiveness
Process is more interactive, With the usage of visual media to show the product and it's features. The colorful slides are bound to catch the eye of the doctors.
Monitoring User Engagement
VODO CLM come with an inbuilt monitoring feature, which captures the a time user spends on each slide, giving insight on the users' interest in each product.
User Friendly Approach
In VODO CLM The content that you seek to share, is fit in a compact device which makes it more convenient in getting the message across.
Quick Updating of Content
New slides with product details, can be easily downloaded with a touch of a button, so that medical representatives can always have the latest information to show about the products.
Time Saving
It's saves The time in promoting a product using e-detailing application than the time it would take to discuss the products through oral communication or using conventional methods.
Cost Saving
VODO CLM bring you the Best in Class Android devices bundled with the New Age CLM eDetailing Solution at price of just Rs. 680/User/Month.